Specify CLI
Here you can find all the detailed informations about the CLI
Global flags
-h, --help
-h, --help
Show the help
-v, --version
-v, --version
Show the current version of the CLIx
-C, --config-path [configPath]
-C, --config-path [configPath]
The path to your JSON or Javascript config file, or the folder containing all your configs (default: .specifyrc.json
-p, --personal-access-token <personalAccessToken>
-p, --personal-access-token <personalAccessToken>
Your personal access token. . It will try to read it from the env var SPECIFY_PAT
as well.
Need a personal access token? Generate one ↗
-r, --repository <repository>
-r, --repository <repository>
The repository containing the design tokens you're requesting. It follows the pattern @organizationName/repositoryName
. It will try to read it from the env var SPECIFY_REPOSITORY
as well.
Generate a Specify ready-to-use configuration to pull your design data from your Specify repository.
For now it will only generate an empty config file, but we will bring back the template selection soon
--root [.]
--root [.]
By default everything is generated in the current dir, but you can choose a different path to generate your configuration file (Default: .
Pull the tokens from the repository following the configs
No flags for now
Last updated
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