This parser helps you transform your text style lineheight values relative to their font size.
interface parser {
name: 'make-line-height-relative';
options: {};
Basic usage
"Text styles": {
"Body": {
"$type": "textStyle",
"$value": {
"default": {
"font": {
"family": "Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro",
"postScriptName": "Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro",
"weight": "roman",
"style": "normal",
"files": []
"fontSize": {
"value": 14,
"unit": "px"
"color": null,
"fontFeatures": null,
"lineHeight": {
"value": 150,
"unit": "%"
"letterSpacing": {
"value": 0.2,
"unit": "px"
"paragraphSpacing": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "px"
"textAlignHorizontal": null,
"textAlignVertical": null,
"textDecoration": "none",
"textIndent": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "px"
"textTransform": "none"
"version": "2",
"repository": "@organization/repository",
// Only use the personalAccessToken when working with the CLI
"personalAccessToken": "<your-personal-access-token>",
"rules": [
"name": "Make line height relative",
"parsers": [
"name": "make-line-height-relative",
"options": {}
"name": "to-sdtf",
"output": {
"type": "file",
"filePath": "public/tokens.json"
"Text styles": {
"Body": {
"$type": "textStyle",
"$value": {
"default": {
"font": {
"family": "Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro",
"postScriptName": "Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro",
"weight": "roman",
"style": "normal",
"files": []
"fontSize": {
"value": 14,
"unit": "px"
"color": null,
"fontFeatures": null,
"lineHeight": {
"value": 1.5,
"unit": null
"letterSpacing": {
"value": 0.2,
"unit": "px"
"paragraphSpacing": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "px"
"textAlignHorizontal": null,
"textAlignVertical": null,
"textDecoration": "none",
"textIndent": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "px"
"textTransform": "none"
Last updated
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