Specify CLI VS Specify SDK

TL;DR - The CLI is faster to get started, but the SDK is more flexible and can match exactly what you need

Historically, if you wanted to convert your tokens to various outputs: CSS, Swift, Typescript... you could only distribute your tokens thanks to a configuration file. With the introduction of the SDK, you might want to know which option suits your needs, so let's compare them!

This page will be an overview of both options, so if you need more details, you can have look to the Specify CLI page, and the Specify SDK page.


Specify CLI
Specify SDK

Running parsers remotely

Running parsers locally

Update the tokens

Filter the tokens

Converting a token to a specific format

Create a custom output



In the case of the CLI, you'll first need to install the CLI:

npm install @specifyapp/cli 

And then create a .specifyrc.json :

  "version": "2",
  "repository": "@organization/repository",
  "personalAccessToken": "<your-personal-access-token>",
  "rules": []


For the SDK, you'll first want to install the dependencies of the SDK, and the SDTF:

npm install -D @specifyapp/sdk1.0.0-beta.5 @specifyapp/specify-design-token-format

Then you, you have to create a file where we'll import all the installed dependencies:

import { createSpecifyClient } from '@specifyapp/sdk';

async function run() {
  const specifyClient = createSpecifyClient();

  await specifyClient.authenticate('<your-personal-access-token>');
  const sdtfClient = specifyClient.getSDTFClientByName('<repository-name>');


Running a parser


We first need to fill up a bit the configuration file with the parser we want to run:

  "version": "2",
  "repository": "@organization/repository",
  "personalAccessToken": "<your-personal-access-token>",
  "rules": [
      "name": "Tokens as CSS Variables",
      "parsers": [
          "name": "to-css-custom-properties",
          "output": {
            "filePath": "tokens.css"

Then we can run everything through the CLI:

specify pull


On the SDK side, there's two way of doing it.

Running parsers locally

The main interest of the SDK is to be able to run everything locally. To do so, you can do the following:

import { createSpecifyClient, createSpecifyFileSystemHelper } from '@specifyapp/sdk';
import { toCssCustomProperties } from '@specifyapp/sdk/next';

async function run() {
  const specifyClient = createSpecifyClient();

  await specifyClient.authenticate('<your-personal-access-token>');
  const sdtfClient = specifyClient.getSDTFClientByName('<repository-name>');
  const generatorPipelineOutput = await sdtfClient.createParserPipeline(
    toCssCustomProperties({ filePath: 'myFile.css' }),
  const fileSystemHelper = createSpecifyFileSystemHelper({ generatorPipelineOutput });
  await fileSystemHelper.writeToDisk('./rootFolder');


There's actually a way to choose which parser runs locally, and which one runs remotely, you can learn more about it here.

Running parsers remotely

Running parsers remotely is basically wrapping the configuration into the SDK:

import { createSpecifyClient, createSpecifyFileSystemHelper } from '@specifyapp/sdk';

async function run() {
  const specifyClient = createSpecifyClient();

  await specifyClient.authenticate('<your-personal-access-token>');
  const sdtfClient = specifyClient.getSDTFClientByName('<repository-name>');
  const pipeEngineRuleResponseBody = await sdtfClient.transformWithRemoteParsers([
      name: 'to-css-custom-properties',
      output: {type: 'file', filePath: 'tokens.css'},
  const fileSystemHelper = createSpecifyFileSystemHelper({
  const writtenFiles = await fileSystemHelper.writeToDisk('./public');


Filtering the tokens


To do so, we'll need to introduce a new parser in the configuration file:

  "version": "2",
  "repository": "@organization/repository",
  "personalAccessToken": "<your-personal-access-token>",
  "rules": [
      "name": "Tokens as CSS Variables",
      "parsers": [
          "name": "filter",
          "options": {
            "where": {
              "collection": "colors",
              "select": {
                "collection": true,
                "children": {
                  "tokens": true
          "name": "to-css-custom-properties",
          "output": {
            "filePath": "tokens.css"


Because the SDK is loading the SDTF, we can work directly with it. No need to run a parser, we can just execute filtering methods, and then generate our tokens:

import { createSpecifyClient, createSpecifyFileSystemHelper } from '@specifyapp/sdk';
import { toCssCustomProperties } from '@specifyapp/sdk/next';

async function run() {
  const specifyClient = createSpecifyClient();

  await specifyClient.authenticate('<your-personal-access-token>');
  const sdtfClient = specifyClient.getSDTFClientByName('<repository-name>');
  const filteredGraph = sdtfClient.query({
    where: {
      collection: "colors",
      select: {
        collection: true,
        children: {
          tokens: true
  const generatorPipelineOutput = await filteredGraph
      toCssCustomProperties({ filePath: 'myFile.css' }),
  const fileSystemHelper = createSpecifyFileSystemHelper({ generatorPipelineOutput });
  await fileSystemHelper.writeToDisk('./rootFolder');


Updating tokens


Just like before, it can be done through a parser:

  "version": "2",
  "repository": "@organization/repository",
  "personalAccessToken": "<your-personal-access-token>",
  "rules": [
      "name": "Tokens as CSS Variables",
      "parsers": [
          "name": "convert-color",
          "options": {
            "toFormat": "hex"
          "name": "to-css-custom-properties",
          "output": {
            "filePath": "tokens.css"


Again, as the SDK is loading the SDTF, we can work directly with it through the update method and an updater:

import { createSpecifyClient, createSpecifyFileSystemHelper } from '@specifyapp/sdk';
import { toCssCustomProperties, updaters } from '@specifyapp/sdk/next';

async function run() {
  const specifyClient = createSpecifyClient();

  await specifyClient.authenticate('<your-personal-access-token>');
  const sdtfClient = specifyClient.getSDTFClientByName('<repository-name>');
    updaters.color({ toFormat: 'hex' }, { where: { token: '^theme', select: true }})
  const generatorPipelineOutput = await filteredGraph
      toCssCustomProperties({ filePath: 'myFile.css' }),
  const fileSystemHelper = createSpecifyFileSystemHelper({ generatorPipelineOutput });
  await fileSystemHelper.writeToDisk('./rootFolder');


Converting a token to a specific format


This cannot be done with the CLI.


Here is an example of converting a token to CSS, more detals on the conversion can be found here.

import { createSpecifyClient } from '@specifyapp/sdk';
import {
} from '@specify/sdk/css'

async function run() {
  const specifyClient = createSpecifyClient();

  await specifyClient.authenticate('<your-personal-access-token>');
  const sdtfClient = specifyClient.getSDTFClientByName('<repository-name>');
  const strategy = createResolveAliasStrategy()

  const outputs = sdtfClient.mapTokenStates(tokenState => 
        dimension: dimensionToCss(strategy) // Output example: '12px'
        breakpoint: breakpointToCss(strategy) // Output example: '12px'
        color: colorToCss(strategy) // Output example: '#ff00ff'
      _ => undefined


Last updated

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