Parsers Engine

Parsers Engine API reference

Configuration file

The Configuration file has common properties, and some destination specific ones

interface ConfigurationFileCommon {
  version: '2';
  repository: string; // @owner/repository
  rules: Array<ParserRule>;

For Specify CLI

interface CLIConfigurationFile extends ConfigurationFileCommon {
  personalAccessToken?: string; // Can be set using the -p flag

For GitHub

interface GitHubConfigurationFile extends ConfigurationFileCommon {
  personalAccessToken: string; // Can be set over secret


The Parsers Rules help you transform your design tokens and assets the way you want.

A rule is composed of the following properties:

interface ParserRule {
  name?: string;
  parsers: Array<ParserConfiguration>;

In many places you will use many parser rules in a configuration to parallelize the changes you want to apply.


The Parser Configuration object helps you configure the behaviour of a given parser.

interface ParserConfiguration {
  name: string; // parser name: to-json, to-tailwind...
    | { type: 'directory', directoryPath: string }
    | { type: 'file', filePath: string };
  options?: Record<string, any>; // depends on the selected parser

Looking for the parsers list and options? 👉 heads up to the Parsers reference

The object is composed of the following properties:


The parsers engine can take several input types called parsers engine data boxes. On start, the Parsers engine requires one of the data box types to be passed in as initial input.


type SDTFDataBox = {
  type: "SDTF";
  graph: SpecifyDesignTokenFormat;
    | {
        activeViewName: string | null;
        views: Array<{
          name: string;
          query: SDTFQuery;
    | undefined;

SDTF Engine

type SDTFEngineDataBox = {
    type: "SDTF Engine";
    engine: SDTFEngine;

Specify Repository

type SpecifyRepositoryDataBox = {
    type: "repository";
    owner: string;
    name: string;


type JSONDataBox = {
    type: "JSON";
    json: string | number | boolean | unknown[] | Record<string, unknown> | null;


type VectorDataBox = {
    type: 'vector';
    format: 'svg' | 'pdf';
    provider: 'external' | 'Specify';
    extension: {
      vector?: string, // The text representation of the SVG file


type BitmapDataBox = {
    type: 'bitmap';
    format: 'png' | 'wp2' | 'avif' | 'webp' | 'jpg' | 'jxl';
    provider: 'external' | 'Specify';
    extension: {
      bitmap?: Array<number>, // The array buffer representation of the bitmap file


type AssetDataBox = {
    type: 'asset';
    format: 'png' | 'wp2' | 'avif' | 'webp' | 'jpg' | 'jxl' | 'svg' | 'pdf' | 'ttf' | 'woff' | 'woff2' | 'otf' | 'eot';
    provider: 'external' | 'Specify' | 'Google Fonts' | 'Adobe Fonts';


The parsers produce different types of outputs based on your configuration and their proper capabilities. If not all the parsers accept an output configuration property, the ones which do always take a standardized type as input.


Use case: the parser is expected to produce exactly one file.

type FileOutput = {
  type: 'file';
  filePath: string;

Example with the to-css-custom-properties parser:

"parsers": [
    "name": "to-css-custom-properties",
    "output": {
      "type": "file",
      "filePath": "style.css"


Use case: the parser is expected to produce 0 to N files, all placed in the given base directory.

type DirectoryOutput = {
  type: 'directory';
  directoryPath: string;

Example with the to-svg-file parser:

"parsers": [
    "name": "to-svg-file",
    "output": {
      "type": "directory",
      "directoryPath": "./public/assets"

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