This parser helps you pull design tokens as a theme compatible with React Native and their respective helper functions.
interface parser {
name: 'to-react-native';
output: {
type: 'file';
filePath: string;
options?: {
typescript?: boolean;
moduleExport?: 'es6' | 'commonjs';
Basic usage
"colors": {
"$collection": {
"$modes": [
"Core": {
"blue-100": {
"$type": "color",
"$value": {
"dark": {
"red": 229,
"blue": 29,
"alpha": 1,
"green": 29,
"model": "rgb"
"light": {
"red": 255,
"blue": 255,
"alpha": 1,
"green": 255,
"model": "rgb"
"$description": "token 1 aliased with n modes within collection within n groups"
"blue-700": {
"$type": "color",
"$value": {
"dark": {
"red": 229,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1,
"green": 0,
"model": "rgb"
"light": {
"red": 255,
"blue": 255,
"alpha": 1,
"green": 200,
"model": "rgb"
"$description": "token 2 aliased with n modes within collection within n groups"
"semantic": {
"background": {
"button": {
"primary": {
"hover": {
"$type": "color",
"$value": {
"dark": {
"$mode": "dark",
"$alias": ""
"light": {
"$mode": "light",
"$alias": ""
"$description": "alias token with n modes within collection within n groups"
"version": "2",
"repository": "@organization/repository",
// Only use the personalAccessToken when working with the CLI
"personalAccessToken": "<your-personal-access-token>",
"rules": [
"name": "To React Native theme",
"parsers": [
"name": "to-react-native",
"output": {
"type": "file",
"filePath": "public/theme.js"
* @typedef {'primitive.spacing.1'} DimensionPath - All the valid paths for the tokens of type dimension.
* To use this type you can do: `@type {import('path/to/myTokensFile').DimensionPath}`
* @typedef {'themedColor.highEmphasis'} ColorPath - All the valid paths for the tokens of type color.
* To use this type you can do: `@type {import('path/to/myTokensFile').ColorPath}`
* @typedef {DimensionPath | ColorPath} AllPath - All possible paths
* @typedef {typeof pathsByType} PathsByType - All the paths for a given token type. Needed for `getTokensByType`
const pathsByType = /** @type {const} */ ({
dimension: [ 'primitive.spacing.1' ],
color: [ 'themedColor.highEmphasis' ]
* @typedef {typeof colorModes[number]} ColorModes - All the valid modes of color.
* To use this type you can do: `@type {import('path/to/myTokensFile').ColorModes}`
export const colorModes = /** @type {const} */ ([ 'dark', 'light' ]);
* @typedef {typeof themedColorModes[number]} ThemedcolorModes - All the valid modes of themedColor.
* To use this type you can do: `@type {import('path/to/myTokensFile').ThemedcolorModes}`
export const themedColorModes = /** @type {const} */ ([ 'light', 'dark' ]);
@typedef {ColorModes | ThemedcolorModes} AllMode - All the available modes
* @typedef {typeof tokens} Tokens - All the tokens.
* Use `getTokenByMode` to retrieve one.
export const tokens = /** @type {const} */ ({
'primitive.spacing.1': '4px',
'themedColor.highEmphasis': { dark: '#ffffff', light: '#000000' }
* Retrieve any token for a given mode. If available, the default mode will be: 'default'
* @template {AllPath} Path - A generic extending all the possible paths
* @template {Tokens[Path] extends Record<string, any>
? keyof Tokens[Path]
: undefined} Mode - A generic representing all the valid modes for a given path
* @template {Tokens[Path] extends Record<string, any>
? Tokens[Path][Mode extends undefined ? never : Mode]
: Tokens[Path]} Return - The return type
* @param {Path} path - The path to the token
* @param {Mode} mode - The mode of the token you want to retrieve
* @returns {Return} - The value of a token for a given mode
export function getTokenByMode(path, mode) {
if (!tokens[path]) {
throw new Error("Path: '" + path + "' doesn't exist. Here are all the valid paths:\n- " + Object.keys(tokens).join('\n- '))
if (typeof tokens[path] !== 'object') {
return tokens[path] ;
if (!mode) throw new Error('Mode is undefined but it should be one of ' + Object.keys(tokens[path]).join(', ') + ' for path: ' + path);
if (!tokens[path][mode]) {
throw new Error("Invalid mode '" + mode.toString() + " at path '" + path + "', here are all the valid modes:\n- " + Object.keys(tokens[path]).join('\n- '))
return tokens[path][mode]
* Retrieve all the tokens for a specific type (color, dimension, etc...).
* Note that the value will either be a string or an object if the token has modes
* @template {keyof PathsByType} Type - A generic extending all the possible types
* @template {Tokens[PathsByType[Type][number]]} Token - A generic representing a union of all the outputs
* @param {Type} type - The path to the token
* @returns {Array<Token>} - An array with all the values
export function getTokensByType(type) {
if (!pathsByType[type]) {
throw new Error('The type: \'' + type + '\' does not exist')
return pathsByType[type].map(path => tokens[path]);
Last updated
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